What is an offline oto

A common online marketing example of that would be my recent online purchase from Verizon Wireless (a mobile phone provider).

First I selected the phone…

Then I selected the plan…

And then, rather than checking out here… they asked me if I’d like some accessories!

Even though I still hadn’t gotten my phone yet… they were already bolting on another sale.

Why? Because OTOs work (and they work well)!

But what about products and services in the Internet Marketing niche… where a fancy-dancy shopping cart may not be involved?

To find oto links in sales funnels you can use Google

It is easy to do digital product and delivery – complete with upsells, downsells and exit-offers with a little technology help and understanding today. Once you understand the mechanism by which you pass the customer back and forth to paypal, such as I taught in a recent course, the rest is pretty straight forward.